Mar 09, 2025




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Security for the Internet of Things

The objective of these master sessions is to build a small security library, compatible with the resources of the Internet of Things, while integrating the ins and outs of security in this field. At the end of the sessions, one will have to return his python codes, as well as a manuscript commenting them.

The different stages of the constitution of the library :

  1. A short introduction to security for IoT
  2. A first symmetrical encryption algorithm
  3. Constitution of a random generator
  4. How to efficiently calculate a power
  5. Generation of prime numbers
  6. Key exchange
  7. Asymmetric encryption algorithms:
    1. RSA
    2. El Gamal:
      1. on the field of integers modulo p,
      2. On elliptic curves.
    3. Blum-Goldwasser cryptosystem

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