Feb 22, 2025




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Reed Solomon

Ce module propose une implémentation des codes correcteurs de Reed-Solomon. Il peut être récupéré ici, ou on peut plus simplement l'installer avec easy_install (ce module est sur le Pypi).


Les codes de Reed-Solomon ajoutent de l'information à un flux de données, afin de pouvoir détecter qu'il y a eu erreur, voire corriger cette erreur. La qualité du recouvrement, fonction de la taille de l'information suplémentaire, est un paramètre de ce code.

Using RS codes, you can consume only a little more than the size of the file while improving recoverability. If you divide the file into 20 chunks, add 5 RS-encoded parity chunks, and store each chunk on a different hard drive, RS coding guarantees you can still recover the whole file even if any 5 hard drives fail. At the same time, you're only consuming 25% more space than the size of the file. Compare that with the previous solution: with mirroring, you consume 200% more than the size of the file and risk losing data if 3 hard drives fail at the same time.

RS codes have been in use for a long time. Compact Disc technology, for example, uses RS codes to recover data corrupted by scratches and other defects. RS coding is one of many forward error correction (FEC) codes. RS coding has some advantages over other codes:

  - RS coding reliably recovers erasures.  (An erasure is a missing
  chunk of data.)  If no corruption is involved, RS codes can recover
  the data if the number of missing chunks is less than or equal to
  the number of parity chunks.

  - Since RS codes were invented 45 years ago, any patents surrounding
  RS codes have most likely expired already.

RS coding, however, is computationally intensive. There is a good, pure-Python implementation of RS codes by Emin Martinian [1]_, but it is too slow for most practical uses. This extension uses the fast, GPL Reed-Solomon library by Phil Karn [2]_.

.. [1] http://www.csua.berkeley.edu/~emin/source_code/py_ecc/ .. [2] http://www.ka9q.net/code/fec/


Start a Python interactive interpreter. Import the reedsolomon module and create a Codec object::

  >>> from reedsolomon import Codec
  >>> c = Codec(7, 5)

This codec creates seven-byte code words from five-byte input strings. In each code word generated by this codec, the first five bytes consist of the original data and the last two bytes are parity. This codec can recover from the loss of any two bytes or the corruption of any single byte. Encode a five-byte sequence::

  >>> encoded = c.encode('abcde')
  >>> encoded

The encoded string contains the original data followed by two parity bytes (note that '\x94' is a single character.) Decode that string::

  >>> c.decode('abcde\x94m')
  ('abcde', [])

The original data has been restored. The second part of the result lists the corrections made by the library. Since there were no errors in the data, the list of corrections is empty. Introduce one error::

  >>> c.decode('aZcde\x94m')
  ('abcde', [1])

Using the data and parity bytes, the RS codec restored the byte at index 1 and reported the correction. This codec can also recover from a single corrupt parity byte::

  >>> c.decode('abcdeZm')
  ('abcde', [5])

Now consider the case of erasures. If you tell the library which bytes are missing from the input, this codec can handle up to two erasures. decode() accepts a second argument that lists the erased indexes::

  >>> c.decode('a0cde\x94m', [1])
  ('abcde', [1])
  >>> c.decode('a00de\x94m', [1, 2])
  ('abcde', [1, 2])
  >>> c.decode('abcd0\x940', [4, 6])
  ('abcde', [4, 6])

If `P` is the number of parity symbols, `R` is the number of errors (corrupted bytes), and `S` is the number of erasures, RS coding guarantees recoverability if the following equation is true::

  2R + S <= P

Here is what happens if there are too many erasures::

  >>> c.decode('a000e\x94m', [1, 2, 3])
  Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
  reedsolomon.UncorrectableError: Too many errors or erasures in input

The codec reliably throws an exception when there is an excess of erasures. However, if there are too many errors, the codec may fail to detect the problem and produce an incorrect result. Here is one possible result of trying to decode two corrupted bytes using a codec not designed to handle that much corruption:

  >>> c.decode('aXXde\x94m')
  Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
  reedsolomon.UncorrectableError: Corrupted input

In this case, it was fortunate that the corruption was detected. However, some corruption will go undetected and may even garble the result::

  >>> c.decode('aX\x0bde\x94m')
  ('aX\x0bd\xfe', [4])

The codec decided that the 'e' at index 4 was the incorrect byte and changed it to '\xfe'. In order to handle 2 errors correctly, you need a codec with 4 parity bytes::

  >>> c = Codec(9, 5)
  >>> encoded = c.encode('abcde')
  >>> encoded

Now introduce the same errors at indexes 1 and 2 and decode::

  >>> c.decode('aX\x0bde\xec\x02\x98\xf8')
  ('abcde', [1, 2])

With this codec, you can also recover from the loss of any 4 symbols::

  >>> c.decode('a0c0e0\x020\xf8', [1, 3, 5, 7])
  ('abcde', [1, 3, 5, 7])

In some applications, it makes sense to layer a stronger hashing scheme, such as an MD5 sum, over RS coding. While RS codes provide no guarantee that corruption will be detected, it is very improbable that an unintentionally corrupt data stream will pass an MD5 check.

In RS coding, there is a relationship between the bits per symbol and the maximum length of each code word::

  n <= 2 ** symsize - 1

With a symbol size of 8 bits, code words can be up to 255 symbols (bytes) long. If you don't need all 8 bits, you can change the symbol size by passing the optional 'symsize' argument to the Codec constructor.

Speed depends on the codec. The shorter the code word, the faster this extension runs. Running on a 1.7 GHz Pentium M laptop, 'speedtest.py' can encode over 11 MB/s with a (10, 8) codec, but only 3 MB/s with the popular (255, 223) codec.

There are methods for encoding and decoding interleaved chunks of data: encodechunks(), decodechunks(), and updatechunk(). These are useful when the chunks of data are reliable but you may be missing chunks, and you'd like to recover the missing chunks using RS codes. For example, when transmitting packets over unreliable packet-based digital networks, the packets received are generally complete and correct, but you might not receive all the packets. Transmitted packets should interleave data from mutliple source packets, enabling you to recover all of the source data if enough interleaved packets arrive. Without interleaving, RS coding could correct bad rows, but would provide no way to recover missing rows. See `pydoc reedsolomon` and `tests/test.py` for more information on using these methods.

The module also provides IntegerCodec, which lets you use symbols with more than 8 bits. IntegerCodec currently exists only because the underlying library has functions for working with integer arrays rather than character arrays. To simplify maintenance, IntegerCodec may be removed from the module in the future.

More background on RS coding can be found at the following sites::


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